Records for 1948 to 1994

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Last Name Full Name Date of Death Burial Location
PalleyDonna Faye Palley1959-03-29Cotton Creek
ParkerWilliam Wayne Parker1983-08-21Smith
ParkerRuth Elizabeth Parker1988-10-03Smith
ParlourAda Marie Parlour1980-09-14New Salem
ParlourKenneth Parlour1986-06-22New Salem
ParrottIra G Parrott1951-01-27Huddleston
ParsonsMargaret Parsons1955-03-15Hickory Grove
PattersonCole William Patterson1993-02-28Hickory Grove
PatyRobert Clay Paty1959-11-16Hickory Grove
PayeVida Rose Paye1971-05-06Bailey
PeaceRolla Alvin Peace1969-04-11Huddleston
PeaceLois Lily Catherine Peace1987-08-31Huddleston
PerkinsNelle Perkins1958-10-24Woodside
PerkinsEthel Perkins1976-06-14Bailey
PierceRobert Allen Pierce1959-09-02Hickory Grove
PiersonHarlan Perry Pierson1961-02-14
PingletonGeorge Pingleton1961-07-12Hickory Grove
PingletonRobert Floyd Pingleton1990-03-11Bailey
PingletonJulie Ann Pingleton1968-04-18Bailey
PingletonElmer Pingleton1967-09-16Bailey
PittsHelen Marie Wiggs Pitts1987-04-30Bailey
PittsDaniel Jacob Pitts1988-09-03Bailey
PorterJohn Bert Porter1959-06-22Hickory Grove
PosterFranklin Darryl Poster1992-03-18Cotton Creek
PrattJames Albert Pratt1979-12-10Hickory Grove
PresleyJohn Francis Presley1985-09-16Many Springs
PriceSteven R Price1950-07-28Woodside
PriceSonya Yvonne Price1960-06-01Hickory Grove
PrinceEmma Prince1961-10-26Cave Springs
Pruitte Pruitte1957-12-15Smith
PruitteWilliam Stone Pruitte1974-10-26Bailey
PruitteEdith May Pruitte1991-07-10Bailey
PutmanConnie Gale Putman1966-11-14Myrtle