Records for 1948 to 1994

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Last Name Full Name Date of Death Burial Location
AbeeEstelle Clera Abee1986-10-19Baxter, Mt Home
AdamsAnna June Adams1953-07-02Many Springs
AdamsJohn Adams1959-02-22Many Springs
AdamsClifford Adams1971-11-11Many Springs
AdamsKaren Kay Adams1972-03-10Many Springs
Adamsbetty Evaline Adams1985-09-30Bailey
AdrianHenry Adrian1975-08-11Smith
AkinsErvey Akins1972-08-15
AlcornDoris Alcorn1968-06-01Bailey
AlcornEthel Alcorn1971-11-16Hickory Grove
AlfordOwen Alford1971-01-18Bailey
AllenOpal Gladys Allen1979-12-24Bailey
AllenO D Allen1954-01-30Bailey
AllmonDouglas D Allmon1958-07-02Falling Springs
AndersonJulien Emmit Anderson1993-02-21Bethlehem
AndersonRuby Kay Anderson1993-08-06Smith
AndrewsGeorgia Andrews1950-10-01Smith
AndrewsAsberry E Andrews1951-11-04Shiloh
ArasmithArchi C Arasmith1972-02-13Riverton
ArgoEdgar Franklin Argo1990-01-30Embalm
ArnoldDoyle Russell Arnold1993-03-15Huddleston
AryJosie Ary1957-06-13New Salem
AustinJohn Luther Austin1972-12-18Smith
AustinSadie Austin1974-01-23Smith
AustinLuther Junior Hookie Austin1994-08-14Smith